with Andrea A. Firth
New Classes
Quiet Writing--A Forever Workshop
4 Weeks, Self-paced, On Substack, First Lesson Free
Coming in May 2025, Registration opens soon
There are significant moments in everyone’s day that can make literature.
That’s what you ought to write about. –Raymond Carver
Quiet writing is story or narrative that reads quiet but still has the requisite tension and conflict that drives good storytelling. Some people/characters live wild lives, face huge upheavals, or tackle death-defying adventures, and these stories do attract readers. But many of us have stories to share that are driven less by stormy and flamboyant events and plot twists and more by the subtle, simple happenings and struggles of the everyday, which can be powerful reads that draw us in as well. (Consider novelist Marilynne Robinson, short-story writer Raymond Carver, and essayist Abigail Thomas as examples.) In this self-paced, 4-week course, we will read and analyze several examples of quiet writing (nonfiction and fiction), explore the craft and technique used, and work on our own quiet writing through prompts and exercises too.
Ideal for those who write personal essay, flash, memoir, or fiction. The course will be posted on Substack in May. Weekly lessons will be delivered to your inbox, and you will have ample opportunity to pose questions and comments and receive timely responses from me. The first class is free to everyone. Registration will open soon. Check back for details.
Finding Your Essay's Heartbeat
I taught this workshop for the fine folks at Chill Subs on Substack.
Take a deep dive into personal essay and leave with an essay well underway.
Self-paced. Available anytime.
Learn all about it here.